Sunday, March 15, 2009

View Reports through Excel

Again I wrote an article in C#corner. This time, it's about viewing reports.

We are in the need to generate Reports for Financial Statistics.and we need a format to view it Perfectly.Here i choose Character value separator as Format and Excel for Viewing it.

Please check out My article
An easy way to view reports through Excel

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My First Article - "Xml - A Simple Database"

I wrote one article about XML.This is first time on Internet. Its Titled as
Xml - A Simple Database
and published on C#corner website.

In this article, I discussed about How to use XML as a database for your Application.
Here I mentioned the techniques used to create and Maintain a database such as read,Write,Update &Remove an XML data.

please take a look on my article

Xml - A Simple Database

Thank you