Thursday, April 30, 2009

Access a Form's Control from another Form

We Can access a Form's Control such as TextBox,ComboBox,datagridview etc. From another Form by passing current Form Object into another Form via an Overloaded constructor.

In form 1

Form2 f1 = new Form2(this);

then In Form2

Form1 form1;

public Form2(Form1 f)
this.form1 = f;


we can easily access form1's TextBox like

form1.textBox1.Text="Hi,This is Form2";

Note : Modifiers property of Form1's TextBox1 should be declared as Public.

Thank you

Passing Information between Windows Forms

We can Pass Information from One Form to another Form
via an Overloaded Constructor.

In form1,we have to pass value in constructor on Object Creation.


Form2 f2 = new Form2(UserName);

Then in Form2,we have to assign Passed value in a Local variable or control.

Here UserName refers a String Variable which contains User Name entered in form1.

String uname;

public Form2(String username)
textBox1.Text =username ;

Now textBox1 & variable uname contains value Entered in Form1

Thank you.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My First Website

I just built a website for JK Constructions which is the first website developed by me ever.In College Days, I have created some website templates for a German company through my brother. On those days, I just copied some samples from websites and try to build templates using HTML.

But Now i built a website using ASP.NET,C#.NET & XML.In My UG project, i have used XML for storing data.In the beginning, i have some doubts on XML ability to use it as database.But at the end, I m very much satisfied with XML.

All works such as designing,coding,Registering domain,hosting website are done by me without any help.

It is a very good experience for me.I m the only and only person from computer filed in that company.All are from construction field.Its very tough to understand their requirements.and the thing which is too tough is to explain the limitations of a website.I have learnt a lot of good lessons on those days.

take a look on my fist website
JK constructions

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

JAVA Simple Printing

PrintJob class is used for printing in JAVA.

you have to format the things which you need to take printout.

you can draw rectangle,line any graphics object and also string.

you can set Font & Color for that


PrintJob job = getToolkit().getPrintJob(fr,"PRINT",null);
Graphics g=job.getGraphics();
g.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman",Font.BOLD,16));
g.drawString("Welcome to JAVA",220,50);


fr refers frame object.


g.drawString("String to print",Xposition,yposition);



This will draw a rectangle... It will be the complete border for A4 sheet.

after that draw "Welcome to JAVA in TimesRoman font with bold.

And draw Line

then it End the print job

Thank you

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

JAVA Message,Input and Confirm Dialog Box

In java JOptionPane class is used to show Message and also used to get Input from user

Message Box

There are different type of Message Box are available Normal,Error and Warning message box

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog("your Message","Title");

Error Message

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog("your Message","Title",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

Warning Message

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog("your Message","Title",JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);

Input Box

In order to get a value from user. we can use showInputDialog() Method.
we have to Pass current frame object to that msg

String value=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(fr,"Plz enter Value ");

Input Box with Default value

String value=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(fr,"Plz enter Value ","Default value");

Confirm Dialog

This can be used with following options
Yes No
Retry Ignore Cancel
OK Cancel

Ex for YES NO confirm Dialog

int result=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(fr,"Do you Want to Save it","Save",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);

Note :
result contains 0 or 1..
o refers YES and 1 refers NO
fr -> frame object
"Do you Want to Save it", -> Question
"Save", ->Header
JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION -> Option

Thank you

JAVA Table with Combobox control

In java swing we can add Controls in table.

Here we are going to add Combobox in a table control.

Before going to create a table instance, we have to create table headers and data with empty strings like below

final String[] colheads={"S.No","Item ID","Qty",Rate","Amount" };
final Object[][] data={
Now we create a table and add scroll panes to it...

JTable table=new JTable(data,colheads);
JScrollPane jsp=new JScrollPane(table,v,h);

Note: add this table into panel to show...

Then to add combo box in the run time, we add code in focus gained event of table like below..

public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)
TableColumn tc=table.getColumnModel().getColumn(1);
JComboBox dw=new JComboBox();


tc.setCellEditor(new DefaultCellEditor(dw));

Note: we have to add focus listener to table and after that add code for the focus gained method we have to add above code..

In the output,It will show a table.. when you access table you can able select item values at column 2...

Thank you